[Download] Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e de Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS,Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA) libros ebooks
Descargar Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e de Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS,Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA) Libros Gratis en EPUB, Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e Descargar libro
Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e de Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS,Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA)
Descripción - Reseña del editor Ensure you are accurately identifying cells at the microscope with Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5th Edition. An excellent companion to Rodak's Hematology: Clinical Principles & Applications, this award-winning atlas offers complete coverage of the basics of hematologic morphology, including examination of the peripheral blood smear, basic maturation of the blood cell lines, and information on a variety of clinical disorders. Nearly 500 photomicrographs, schematic diagrams, and electron micrographs vividly illustrate hematology from normal cell maturation to the development of various pathologies so you can be sure you’re making accurate conclusions in the lab.Schematic diagrams, photomicrographs, and electron micrographs are found in every chapter to visually enhance understanding of hematologic cellular morphology.Smaller trim size, concise text, and spiral binding make it easy to reference the atlas in the laboratory.Chapter on normal newborn peripheral blood morphology covers the normal cells found in neonatal blood.Chapter on body fluids illustrates the other fluids found in the body besides blood, using images from cytocentrifuged specimens. The most common cytochemical stains, along with a summary chart for interpretation, are featured in the leukemia chapters to help classify both malignant and benign leukoproliferative disorders. Chapter featuring morphologic changes after myeloid hematopoietic growth factors is included in the text.Morphologic abnormalities are covered in the chapters on erythrocytes and leukocytes, along with a description of each cell, in a schematic fashion. User resources on the Evolve companion site feature review questions and summary tables to further enhance their learning experience.NEW! Appendix with comparison tables of commonly confused cells includes lymphocytes versus neutrophilic myelocytes and monocytes versus reactive lymphoctyes to help users see the subtle differences between them.NEW! Glossary of hematologic terms at the end of the book provides a quick reference to easily look up definitions.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e
- Autor: Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS,Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA)
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5e de Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS,Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Atlas de hematología clínica atlas de hematología clínica el atlas de hematología clínica 5ª edición tiene como objetivo primordial enseñar a identificar las células con el m Atlas de hematologia clinica clinical hematology atlas este atlas, cuyo objetivo primordial es enseñar a identificar las células con el microscopio, cubre los principios básicos de la morfología hematológica, entre ellos, el examen de frotis de sangre periférica, la maduración de las líneas celulares sanguíneas y el análisis de diversos trastornos clínicos incluye más de 400 microfotografías, diagramas esquemáticos y hematología medicina clínica e interna libros envío en 1 día gratis en dos millones de productos con prime compra libros de hematología a precios bajos en
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